Black Humor: This quote is a great example of black humor because it talks about flaws in the school system which is something we don't normally talk about."Well, my English teacher was Japanese, my reading teacher told me to look it up, my coach was fat, and my shop teacher was missing fingers. What was the question - why do I hate the public school system?"
Hyperbole: This quote shows exaggeration because you wouldn't really die from laughing.
"I nearly died laughing."
Play On Words: This image shows play on words by taking the meaning literally and illustrating how a phrase can mean different things because the words become the subject.
Situational Humor: This is a summary of an episode of Friends. It shows situational humor because the situation of the lists and Ross meeting the person he just eliminated is ironic and funny.
Joey gets carried away with a mailbox project and ends up building an entertainment center; he mistakenly cuts Chandler's door in half in the process. Then he gets sidetracked on re-tiling Monica's bathroom floor. Phoebe hangs out with her half-brother, Frank Jr., in hopes of getting to know him better; he misunderstands when she tells him she gives people "massages and stuff". The gang all consider what five celebrities would be on their "freebie list"--people they can sleep with without anyone getting upset; Ross finally narrows his list down by eliminating Isabella Rossellini... then he bumps into her.